I have tried to eliminate as much canned foods from our pantry as I could, but canned beans are so much nicer then dried beans just boiled. Canned beans have a nice creamy texture to them.
I started out by soaking white beans over night in a large bowl with water.
In the morning I drained the beans from the water, picked out any brown ones and had a handy helper help me place all the beans in canning jars.

Once the all the beans were in jars I poured boiling water into each jar leaving about 1/4 of an inch from the top. At this point you can add a little salt if desired. Place seals and lids onto jars and tightening loosely. If you tighten them too tight you wont be able to open the jars when you want the beans.
Once the all the beans were in jars I poured boiling water into each jar leaving about 1/4 of an inch from the top. At this point you can add a little salt if desired. Place seals and lids onto jars and tightening loosely. If you tighten them too tight you wont be able to open the jars when you want the beans.
I used the waterbath method to seal the lids.
To seal the lids with this method you carefully place the sealed jars into a hot pot with the water just covering the tops of the jars. Let the water come to a safe gentle boil for about 10-15 minutes.
When the jars are ready to come out carefully lift them out and leave them standing upright till cool. At this point you start to hear all the jars pop as the seals start to set.
I plan to let these rest for 3-6 months before I open a jar to see if it worked. I am really hoping it does. This is a very economical way of eating organic canned beans. Plus it is so much healthier for you. I find it hard to buy canned beans that don't have calcium disodium EDTA(a colour preservative) in them aside from organic beans, which cost up to $2+ per can.
If you are scared to try any canning just do some google searches for tips. I don't have a proper canning pot and you honestly don't need one if you don't can very often.
I will post back on my bean adventure when I crack open a jar.
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